Nasza Loteria SR - pasek na kartach artykułów

Egzamin gimnazjalny 2014. Język angielski podstawowy [ARKUSZE, ODPOWIEDZI]

Publikujemy arkusze egzaminu z jęz. angielskiego (poziom podstawowy).

1.1. C.
1.2. B.
1.3. B.
1.4. C.
1.5. A. to give her some good news

2.1. James C. the swimming pool
2.2. Aunt Betty D. the museum
2.3. Mother E. th shopping centre
2.4. Ann B. the cinema

3.1. Students don't have to change their shoes any more when they go out. P
3.2. Boys must wear a jacket and a tie every day. F
3.3. The speaker introduces new regulations for this part of the school year. P

4.1. C. Ten minutes if I'm lucky.
4.2. E. Just half an hour ago.
4.3. A. She was, but she came late.
4.4. D. I think it was Mary.

5.1. B. Yes, you can take it.
5.2. A. I'll do it in a minute.
5.3. C. Go straight on, then turn right.

6.1. C. Can I use your phone?
6.2. B. Well done!
6.3. C. I've already bought the tickets.

7.1. B. is placed on a board outside a restaurant.
7.2. C. informs you how to get something for free.
7.3. E. tells you how to buy some huice.
7.4. A. can be seen on the packing of a food product.

8.1. B. getting sports wquipment.
8.2. C. to ask Pete to do something.
8.3. C. Jack.
8.4. C. it's hard to play games on it.

A. If you haven’t visited our zoo recently, you should do it this summer. There is a new building with snakes, lizards and turtles living among beautiful exotic plants. There are also screens with films and texts about their lives. Tickets only £2.
B. Wild animals in an imaginary jungle attract people all over the world. Giant butterflies, friendly looking tigers and prehistoric plants are here for you to admire. And they’re not in the zoo but on the walls in the local art gallery. A unique attraction – pictures by the French artist, Henri Rousseau. Tickets from £3 to £6.
C. Computer-animated wild animals in films? Why not! They can be even more scary than the live ones. There are five films on in the Summer Cinema. If you enjoy watching animal characters in action, come and have fun. The shows are free for people under twenty-six. Others pay £5 for two films.
9.1. A.
9.2. C.
9.3. A.
9.4. B.

10.1. B. learnt
10.2. D. ride
10.3. C. stories

11.1. B. opened
11.2. A. some
11.3. C. the most delicious

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